
For Creativity

In the 21st century some competencies are becoming more important than others. Nowadays employees should have competencies which could be used in various contexts and would allow flexibility to adapt to changing conditions. Such trend is visible within all European Union. In 2019, a research conducted in Lithuania revealed that in employers’ opinion graduates need stronger skills in ability to make decisions (84%), analytical thinking (77%) and creativity (59%). According to employers confederation, one of the most needed/wanted skills was employees’ creativity. Furthermore, combating social and cultural disadvantages in the school environment becomes a fundamental need for all our countries and the fight for social inclusion must be a priority for all European institutions.

About the project

EIGHT STORIES project aims to use the technique of DRAMATISED IMPROVISATION as a tool to encourage divergent thinking, imagination, fantasy and above all, creativity at schools.

“The general objectives of our project is to establish and develop by the partners “the 8 basic stories”, which will be adapted to their country or region by primary and secondary school pupils with the aim of promoting inclusion and preventing early
school leaving, through creativity and theatre. “

The scope of the project will be primary and secondary schools, including cultural centres and youth clubs, regardless of whether they are rural or urban. Their dramatization and staging will help these young people to become aware of the problems and their solution, via social inclusion.